Are you and/or your partner:
- not having sex as much as you’d like?
- not enjoying sex as much as you could or used to?
- too busy and tired to do all the things?
- struggling with one of you wanting it more than the other?
- feeling awkward when it comes to talking about sex, what you like, fantasies, etc.?
- trying to get over an intimate betrayal such as infidelity or too much porn use?

You are not alone! There are research-based, proven strategies and exercises that can help you reconnect in passionate and sustainable ways. Part of your customized treatment plan may include:
- Mapping your couple sexual style
- Assessing individual psychological, relational and sexual history
- Understanding different levels of desire and pleasure
- Exploring the five dimensions of touch
- Learning how to cultivate a relationship culture of eroticism
- Connection and sensate focused homework!